Wednesday, 14 March 2012

Sunday salad

Sunday Salad from edwina george on Vimeo.
We have been learning about plants and soil this term. Our class filled an egg tray with compost and planted seeds. We watered them every second day and placed them close to sunlight. After three weeks we noticed that they had grown towards the light, and they were identified as mustard sprouts. As a class we decided to use them in a salad and called our recipe Sunday Salad. We hope you join our journey.....LEARNING, CREATING AND SHARING!


  1. I hope you all share this delicious recipe with your family and toss up a 'sunday salad' this week. Remember it goes well with some french bread. A healthy lunch too!

  2. What a wonderful way to grow salad sprouts! I love the way you have created a movie to share your learning with us. I will make sure I have a Sunday Salad too this weekend.

    Mrs Burt

  3. If you thought that was fun just try it is not all fun you also have to be a hard warker

  4. Great table Ana guess who I am I love the way you set your K W L chart You Learned lots of fun facts.

  5. nise job talking about your staff room seven

  6. hay bro its James i like your Sunday salad you made a great story on that i got to shoot off bro.

  7. Hi Room7 i like your work about you making of your work
    By Nikita T


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