Monday, 25 June 2012

This term we have been learning about three points on blog commenting. The three points are positive which means you tell them something nice about their blog post they made. The second one is helpful. A helpful comment adds more information. The last one is thoughtful,  which means  can you make a connection with the author. I have really enjoyed learning all three of these points because it doesn't just help the writer but it also helps me with commenting better. Here is a comment I left on someone's blog.

I think this is a good comment because I have connected with the author and also been positive about her mouthwatering post.

1 comment:

  1. Hi Gemima
    I think you achieved your goal of making your comment positive, helpful and thoughtful. I think your comment would increase Hannah's motivation, because now she knows her writing inspired you to bake some cookies too. Good on you!


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